What you need to know
Here are the established rules for vendors at the Bonners Ferry Farmers Market. Current and prospective vendors please take time to read and familiarize yourself with the rules of the market.
Bonners Ferry Farmers Market Rules
Revised February 2025
1. All Vendors must apply for space by submitting a Vendor Application with a $25 nonrefundable application fee.This can be done at the Spring Vendor Meeting or by printing it off the website and mailing it to the Farmers Market. No application will be considered without the application fee. Upon approval, the $125 annual season fee will bedue and payable prior to first day of set-up. This application will constitute an agreement between the vendor and the Market to abide by the policies and rules of the Bonners Ferry Farmers Market. 1.Market hours are Saturday 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Setup may begin no earlier than 6:30 am but no laterthan 7:00 am. Please no sales before 8:00 am. Vendors may buy from each other before the marketopens to the public.
2.NEW craft vendors are required to submit 3 photos that represent the items they wish to sell with theirapplication. Submissions will be reviewed by the board and applicants notified of approval prior toOpening Day. To be considered for the entire market, applications need to be received by March 31.Applications received after this will be considered at the next regular board meeting and applicantsnotified within five days.
3.Vendors pay a $25.00 nonrefundable application fee with submitted application. Upon approval, anAnnual Membership Fee for each 10 X 10 space of $125 will be due. This is to offset expenses foradvertising, on-site Idaho nursery license & liability insurance, City of Bonners Ferry business license &space rental, market website, signs, market events, printing, postage & more. Fees are payable bycash, check, or paypal (bfidfm@gmail.com) if paying with paypal an additional $5 must be paid tocover fees.
4. Vendor who want to use the electricity available at the market must pay an extra $25 fee for the year.Electrical outlets are limited and only available in spaces 15-25. Vendors must bring their ownextension cord. Vendors with electric spots must arrive by 6am to avoid traffic issues and ensure thesafety of other vendors since these spaces are easily blocked by vendors in spaces across from them.
5.Each vendor is allotted one 10′ x 10′ space with room for one vehicle. Other vehicles and trailers mustbe parked off site. The goal is to create a market layout complimentary to all vendors and the market asa whole. You may request a space on the application form. Every effort will be made to accommodaterequests but we cannot guarantee requests will be granted. Any reserved space not filled by 7 am maybe filled with another vendor unless prior arrangements have been made by calling the MarketManager.
6.Vendors must be residents of the contiguous counties/province including & bordering Boundary County:Bonner County, Pend Oreille County (Washington), Lincoln County (Montana), southern BritishColumbia (Canada), all within 50 miles of Bonners Ferry. Boundary County residents will havepreference.
7.Vendors shall sell only products that they themselves grow, harvest, create, or produce within 50 milesof Bonners Ferry. No reselling. Selling for others may be considered by the board. No garage sale, fleamarket or wholesale items are permitted.
8.All products must comply with state and local Health and ISDA rules. Please check their requirements tosee how this applies to you. Vendors whose food types require licensing must have their actual farmers’market stand, equipment, and services (includes kitchen) inspected by an Idaho Health DistrictEnvironmental Health Officer. The Market will need to have copies of these licenses and inspections onfile before sales can take place. Those Vendors must have food establishment permits on site.
9.You are responsible for obtaining your own product liability insurance. The Farmers Market has liability insurance that covers accidents only.
10. Vendors must comply with all state & local laws, ordinances, and regulations and those of the Bonners Ferry Farmers Market. The Bonners Ferry Farmers Market works cooperatively with the USDA, ISDA, Panhandle Health Dept, Idaho Tax Commission and the City of Bonners Ferry. Violations of any US,State or local laws or regulations will result in suspension of membership without reimbursement of fees. Any resulting fines shall be the responsibility of the violating vendors. The Bonners Ferry Farmers Market Board of Directors and market vendors will follow the law under counsel of these authorities.
11.All vendors are required to collect 6% sales tax on all sales made at the market. Vendors must register with the Idaho Tax Commission each year before any sales take place. This digital system is new and replaces the ST-124 paper form used previously. To register, go to https://idahotap.gentax.com/TAP/_/scroll down to Sellers and Promoters and click on “Register as a Temporary Seller or Promoter.” Scroll to the bottom and click on “Seller WITH Event ID” and then “Next.” Scroll to the bottom and click on “I am going to an event” and then “Next.” You will then enter the Event ID for BFFM which is on page 1 of this document click “Next” and fill out all your information. Once complete, you will get an email with your TSP attached. Print and bring it with your first day. Idaho Tax Commission will send us a list the day before opening day and if you are not on that list, you will not be able to set up. You will notice if you plan to be here all season you need to do this twice. TSP are only valid for 90 days.
12.All vendors are required to collect 1% sales tax on all sales made at the market payable to the City of Bonners Ferry. Vendors will coordinate with BFFM Treasurer to register with the City of Bonners Ferry under the BFFM umbrella for this tax. The info for this tax will be given to the vendors at the Spring Vendor Meeting and/or their first day vending at the market. Vendors can also get their own business license through the City of Bonners Ferry and collect and pay the tax themselves. If this is done a copy of the City of Bonners Ferry business license must be provided to the BFFM Treasurer.
13.NO DUMPING IS ALLOWED. Vendors are not allowed to give products away or at unreasonably low prices, thus undercutting potential sales of other vendors. Please take time to know your production costs and set your prices at a fair market value.
14.Vendors must be present during market times. You may substitute a family member or on-farm employee occasionally if the need arises.
15.Please take into consideration that you are part of your display and that the market is a family-oriented venue. We aim for a clean, attractive look at the market. Please leave your space cleaner than you found it. No smoking is allowed in the market area- please be considerate and leave your booth and smoke where no customers or vendors will be bothered by the smoke.
16.WIND-PROOFING YOUR CANOPY IS MANDATORY EVERY SATURDAY with weights and tie-downs on all 4 legs to protect customers & vendors from blow-overs. Wind or no wind, you are required to have weights and tie downs. Do not release ties until you have enough help to maintain control. Your display must also stay within your 10’x10′ space (including canopy legs), and not block access to other vendor’s spaces. 20-30 pounds per leg is recommended.
17.All animals for sale or display must be contained or on a leash at all times. Vendors are not to have pets at the Market.
18.Consequences of not following the Bonners Ferry Farmers Market rules:a.First Offence: verbal warning from the Market Manager to correct the violation.b.Second Offence: written warning from the Market Manager to correct the violation.c.Third Offence: consequences of action from the board. This will include temporary or permanent suspension from the market for the season at the board’s discretion. Written notice will be provided, and consequences will be enforced. There will be no refund of vendor fees when suspended.
19.Any problems or suggestions may be submitted to the Board of Directors on a Suggestion/Comment Form found at the Market Manager Booth or sent as an email to board@bonnersferrymarket.org. This will ensure a relaxed atmosphere with good communication between all vendors.
Food Rules & Guidelines
The following is provided for information only and is current as of March 1st, 2019. If you are selling food items it is strongly recommended that you contact the Panhandle Health District for approval of your product. Their contact information is located on the following page.
Standard Operating Procedure Regarding Farmer’s Markets
Per the Idaho Food Code IDAPA
Agricultural (farmers) markets, both transient and permanent, sell only raw fruits and vegetables, nuts in the shell, and as a minor portion of the operation, they may sell factory sealed, non-potentially hazardous foods. They may display their products in open-air stands. Vendors selling products per the stated definition will not be issued food establishment licenses unless they expand beyond fruits, vegetables and nuts in the shells and the exempted items of fruit jams and jellies (cooked with sugar added), non-potentially hazardous baked goods (no meats, fruits, vegetables or dairy). Any person offering the exemptions for sale, must post a sign stating this food is produced in a home kitchen and is not inspected by a regulatory authority.
As of July 1, 2009, vendors selling “farm fresh” eggs will not be required to obtain a food license from the health district. However, the following rules still apply per IDAPA 02.02.11, “If an individual has less than 300 birds, he/she can sell the eggs without complying with the requirements. However, the eggs must be clean and the container must be labeled with the individual’s name, address, phone number, and the words “UNGRADED EGGS”.” This exemption only applies to vendors selling direct to consumer at the farmers’ market and does not apply to any other retail or wholesale activities.
Any other food products sold must meet the requirement of the Idaho Food Code for mobile, temporary, intermittent, processor and / or full-service foods. Any processed food products (i.e., Dry mixes, vinegar, etc.) must be prepared in an approved, licensed commissary / commercial kitchen (not a home kitchen), properly labeled and the processor must have a current license.
Other food related information
The sale of potentially hazardous foods (including but not limited to cut melon, raw seed sprouts, garlic-in-oil preserves, cooked plant food and raw or cooked meat) make the vendor a regulated food establishment and subject to the requirements of the Idaho State UNICODE. Therefore, those vendors need to obtain a license.
Wild mushroom collectors are required to have a permit.
Dairy products are regulated by the USDA and Idaho Department of Health.
Please contact Panhandle Health District for more details.